oh, the lovely things people say!


“Kymberlee has an extraordinary ability to bring folks together—whether it is to rally people around a common cause, match seeker with opportunity, or simply to gather for a bonfire at the beach. How does she do it? Well, Kymberlee is the most authentic person I know. What you see is what you get—no pretense, no artifice, no deception. We are all works-in-progress—but, unlike most of us, Kymberlee has actually been doing the work. Consequently, she carries with her a wisdom and capacity for compassion that is all too rare these days. These qualities combine with honesty, openness, curiosity, and a willingness to explore and fully engage with the senses in an artist and performer of depth, range, and beauty; an advisor who guides you to the answers within, rather than using a “one size fits all” set of rules to try to “fix” you; and a friend who is trustworthy, caring, understanding, supportive—and knows how to laugh.”   ~Kevin J. O’Conner

“Working with Kymberlee had a profound effect on my daughter!  Last year, when my daughter needed a mentor for a Middle School project involving acting and self expression, I thought at once of Kymberlee, though I hadn’t seen her in years. She understands teenage girls ‘on the inside’ and the teenage girls inside all of us.  Her work expands self-awareness in two directions, simultaneously teasing out connections with self expression and social awareness.”  ~Cori Adler


“Kymberlee greeted me with a warm, open-hearted acceptance that helped me relax right away and open into my self-discovery process. I felt completely safe in the nurturing, sacred space she created.  Throughout the session, I thoroughly appreciated Kymberlee’s ability to move in flow with my natural rhythm. The “inner child” in me felt totally nurtured, seen and heard. She was skilled at intuiting my feelings and needs while also reflecting back to me my “hidden” beauty.  I came away from our sessions feeling more free to follow my heart’s desires. I also feel a new tenderness toward myself that I believe will enhance my loving relationships with myself and others.” ~Betsy Gutting


“I was delightfully surprised at how self-informative each and every exercise was for me, how deeply we can go in relatively short amounts of time. You certainly create a safe and positive environment. You have a nice, easy feeling about you that sets everyone at ease. I had a number of significant revelations and I thank you for that!”  ~Mary Knight

“Kymberlee has knowing and no doubts in the profound and possible healings that self-expression births. Her diverse and richly eclectic content whetted the divine appetite of truth-telling.  Space was wide, yet structured. I felt cared for and safe in her clarity of instruction.” ~Nan Doolittle


“I felt acknowledged, recognized and appreciated by Kymberlee. The clear message is that we have many gifts but as we consider them, we can find the TRUTH of our passion and allow that to unfold.    I learned to honor truth and have fun.”  ~Kitty O.


“I am 37 years old and a survivor of 10 years of sexual abuse. I have had to fight for my sanity my whole life and in trying to survive I have been very self destructive. I’ve been in one unhealthy codependant relationship after another and I’m sick of it! It is now or never for me. I know I am more than capable of accomplishing any goal I choose, however I always sabotage myself. Your website found me!! My boyfriend of 1 year had beat me Sunday. Monday I woke up and I said no more. I came to work and sold a house that day and have made some good choices. I recruited some good friends that have been there through out the whole ordeal. I have hung “The Vow” at my desk and TODAY, it just feels like a light went on me. Your website is great and I want to be apart of it. I have empowered so many other people but never myself! I am known for my great advice, my nurturing ways, and loving heart, but I am better to others than myself. It is never to late and I have always remained positive in spite of the pain. I have been to counseling and my therapist told me that once I got it I would go from 1-100 in 5 seconds. I am ready to try and thank you again!!”  ~[name withheld for privacy]


“Working with Kymberlee deepened my self awareness and strengthened my skills as an actor. Our work also helped me to start noticing little things about everything around me (people, characters, inanimate objects, etc.). If it weren’t for my work with Kymberlee, I wouldn’t be as conscious of everything around and inside of me as I am today.”  ~Mitzi, age 14


 “With Kymberlee I was challenged to be more real, more earnest, and more creative than at almost any other time of my life. It was as if someone gave me permission to be a child. To walk into a terrifying place called, “The Truth About Myself.” To open my heart to the unknown.”  ~Neil M.