singing bowl rosewater and tears fingers pressed on tender skin the xx our union burst of sandalwood in moment of surrender candelight shimmering a shower of sweat and whispers of devotion morning light
singing bowl rosewater and tears fingers pressed on tender skin the xx our union burst of sandalwood in moment of surrender candelight shimmering a shower of sweat and whispers of devotion morning light
“The point is that in your life, unless you make specific time for something that you feel committed to, you will always have other obligations and you will always be too busy.” ~Dalai Lama The question is, what to commit to? Joy Curiosity Well-being Love Learning Play Pleasure Passion Laughter Creativity That about sums it…
the guy that gets the girl is the one who knows how to love her to love with a full, open heart with a deep, listening ear with joy and abandon the guy that gets the girl takes a stand acts like a man claims her (loves her) the guy that gets the girl has…
queen of cups trickling tributaries raging rivers bipolar bifurcations she, discerning choosing surrendering choosing life choosing love neither predator nor prey (finally!) an open vessel– at once overflowing and empty ready to fill and be filled
i sat watching you in the cafe while you worked (and i smiled) earnestly you leaned forward into the circle into the conversation into the work (you are so beautiful when you lean in) i brought you water and felt you lean into this small gesture i felt your gratitude and delight (my love there…