Love > Hate
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Love > Hate

I adore this woman so much. She is my current elder that I listen to and learn from as I work on my own elderhood. While it’s true that everything she says are things I practice and know, it’s wonderful to have the affirmation. I have often ignored hateful behavior in favor of “seeing the…

Mixed Media Art used for Unbridled Expression with Kymberlee della Luce Episode 3 Collective Care and Transformation
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Transformative Obstacles, Collective Care and Singing the Blues (#3)

In this episode, I talk about getting blocked on Instagram by “art critic” @jerrysaltz, overcoming obstacles, collective care, transformation of self and culture, and why Chani Nicholas (@chaninicholas) has a business model I am emulating.

let’s find each other
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let’s find each other

Life is complicated, isn’t it?  Recently, I was working at the front desk at work, a co-working space in Seattle. An elderly lady was sitting in stillness for almost two hours in the sunlight, her veined hands endlessly turning a brochure over and over. A half hour before closing, I decided to check on her….