on my way to him a harbinger wind whipped ferociously the clouds shedding their tears. we spoke of poison and offerings of medicine losses and redemption poems and tears. tonight, my room is drenched in moonlight and I wrap the fabric of our time together around me like a cloak I want to wear more…
Unending Love [toi et moi pour toujours, mon amour]
Unending Love I seem to have loved you in numberless forms, numberless times… In life after life, in age after age, forever. My spellbound heart has made and remade the necklace of songs, That you take as a gift, wear round your neck in your many forms, In life after life, in age after age,…
I Am Peace
I got this in my inbox today from The Shift Network. This is the world I want to live in.
a haiku for the equinox
light bursting through morning clouds an old crow flies past children’s sighs break through stillness
9/11 (Choose Love)
Ten years later, the sons of Abraham are still fighting and jockeying for power and control the Mothers are still crying and holding and loving. (Choose Love)