haiku from my cafe office
a dog’s wagging tail friendly faces and toddlers my favorite cafe
a dog’s wagging tail friendly faces and toddlers my favorite cafe
Shiva and Shakti lime whiskey laced with laughter sing transformation
fractal perfection slowly falls from a grey sky awaits play and fun!
an old woman in a scarf rocks a baby back and forth in the sunlight a man works a crossword sneaking glances at the pretty baristas Dolly serenades us with her trilling vibrato the steel guitar adding a pinch of melancholy your morning kisses linger on my lips like the scent of flowers everything feels…
winter arrived with a song (and a roar!) the turning wheel brought new light (and lusciousness) hearts drawn on steamed windows (with music and delight) like a dervish, i whirl! like a primrose, I open! the honeysuckle is a tangle of naked branches (summer, a distant memory)
they chased after elusive rainbows thinking the colors– (the shimmering wonder!) were outside of them. one day, they woke up and realized they were light itself and the game changed. they did a spiral dance together luminous brilliance (refracted wonderment!) in an infinite sea of grace