Showered with Blessings

Gift of LoveWhen my love visited me last weekend, he would spontaneously offer me little presents like a sprig of lavendar or a little bouquet of maple leaves. My heart would open and joy and delight would flood in (and he would be showered with kisses and gratitude).

Today, I asked for guidance from Spirit using my Ask Your Guides Oracle cards from Sonia Choquette. The card I received was “Joy Guides” which told me that the Universe is constantly showering me with gifts. It says the problem is that these Divine offerings often go unnoticed and unaccepted. I was urged to start counting my blessings and not miss any or take them for granted.

My new daily practice will be this:

  • Remember that my Joy Guides delight in showering me with gifts.
  • Start my day by asking my guides to surprise me with something wonderful during the day.
  • Allow myself to receive by keeping my vibration up and my mind, heart and body open.
  • Count my blessings at the end of the day by making a list of all the wonders that have been bestowed upon me during that day (and watch the list grow each day)!
  • Remember to thank the Divine Mother and Father God for their endless generosity.
May we all remember that the Universe is waiting to bless us and may we mindfully and gratefully receive all that our Joy Guides bring us.

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