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casting spells of liberation
He found this tiny black feather and gave it to me. He said he thought it was a crow feather and told me not to cast a spell with it. Ha! I told him that even if I did cast a spell, it would be good magic, it would be in service to love and…
“Instructions for living a life. Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.” ~Mary Oliver My recent list of astonishments: The ability of the human heart to overcome hatred and love anyway. The gift of community. Endless shades of orange and red. The way a smile can light up my world. The smell of Seattle rain….
what is holy
A spoken word piece that I wrote for a performance poetry class at Freehold. A smattering of what I find holy. Here’s the text if you like that sort of thing: Holy is the heart-shaped divet at the top of a mountain in New Mexico and the snowflakes that let me see its outline. That…