and so it goes
my heart, like a sea anemone
closes up when it is touched
(even softly)
it soon reopens
ready to be touched again
and so it goes
What if there were no regrets? What if there were no mirrors, no fashion magazines no clothes no money? What if there were only M O M E N T S strung together hands pressing on flesh lovers embracing and the love of self and L I F E permeating EVERYTHING? What if our job,…
I have been synthesizing a lot of late. I have been walking more and more squarely into developing my psychic awareness and living a more spirit-led life. This means consciously choosing pretty much everything and living in a place of open surrender. It means when things don’t feel quite right, I have to listen. It…
Today when I looked in the mirror, I really loved my own reflection. (That seems worth mentioning.) Also, I saw this today from my spiritual teacher, Matt Kahn: Mantra of the day: “I no longer reflect or embody the pain, disapproval, doubt, suffering, or confusion of others as a way of offering support. Bless it…
This picture of my daughter taken by me and retouched by my flickr friend, reminds me of what I imagine Archangel Michael looked like as a little cherub. Here’s a channeled message from Lord Michael for these times. Have faith, dear ones. This moment is perfect and we are made for these times. Ask for…