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Seconds of Pleasure
Erotic Pear I have discovered a few things about myself recently. Here are little things that bring me Seconds of Pleasure (often more) and will always keep me coming back for more: My lover holding the back of my head tight while he kisses me tenderly or cupping my face in his hands and moving…
let me start anew | KdL 10.0
I intend to create a new life. KdL 10.0 I intend to stop crying and start loving again. It can be painfully difficult to hold on to what was good when your heart feels shattered. I pray today to let the happy memories surface and let the pain and the bitterness fade away. I pray…
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I went to the Art With Heart mix and mingle at the…
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i just want to be sincere
*sin·cere /sɪnˈsɪər/ –adjective, -cer·er, -cer·est. 1. free of deceit, hypocrisy, or falseness; earnest: a sincere apology. 2. genuine; real: a sincere effort to improve; a sincere friend. 3. pure; unmixed; unadulterated. Today, I found myself using a “sweet” voice as I was trying to get a salesman to go away from my door. I really…