finding meaning in 2019
That’s how we find meaning: through playing, exploring, creating, loving, constructing and deconstructing. And also through listening, softening, deepening, and remaining open to possibility.
That’s how we find meaning: through playing, exploring, creating, loving, constructing and deconstructing. And also through listening, softening, deepening, and remaining open to possibility.
Purple can be the color of mourning
And the color of the irises that I once planted in my mother’s garden.
If Mr. Crouch can get an audience member to believe he had his arm raised the during an entire performance when he hadn’t once raised it, what can we convince ourselves?
Life is complicated, isn’t it? Recently, I was working at the front desk at work, a co-working space in Seattle. An elderly lady was sitting in stillness for almost two hours in the sunlight, her veined hands endlessly turning a brochure over and over. A half hour before closing, I decided to check on her….
“Shake out your qualms. Shake up your dreams. Deepen your roots. Extend your branches. Trust deep water and head for the open, even if your vision shipwrecks you. Quit your addiction to sneer and complain. Open a lookout. Dance on a brink. Run with your wildfire. You are closer to glory leaping an abyss than…
FORE now so vulnerable our diversity being ignored entitlement reigns (rains) evidence- science- based (base) //drop the bass 808 33″ not 45 in your face// my transgendered son once a fetus now burgeoning manhood facing future (not forbidden) welcomed bidden (prayed for) received loved bright sun (son) future BIDDEN My response to 45’s “forbidden” words….