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if your girl only knew

I’m only going to say this once. No, I’m actually going to keep saying it. In fact, I’m participating in NaNoWriMo and this is what my novel is going to be about. All fictionalized to protect the not-so-innocent, naturally. This is what sexual and emotional repression and religious oppression get you: Married men who pretend…

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My solo show comes to Seattle May 4th at 8:00 pm at The Rendezvous Jewelbox Theatre Unbridled is my one-woman show about sex, love, bondage, and freedom. This hour of semi-autobiographical monologues and songs is presented in my unique “dellaluscious” style—juicy truth-talking with a good dose of humor and titillation that only a fierce and…

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domesticated ferality

hiding a stuffed animal for your cat to find in the night to present the kill the next day melting into the soft sweetness of midnight phone calls and intimacy in separate beds naked boy running through morning stillness disturbed by the smell of flowers the itch the need to taste blood to destroy something…