embracing mystery and getting paid
In this week’s unscripted audio love note, I discuss embracing mystery and getting paid, being and feeling supported by my Patreon folx and creating a container for my work
In this week’s unscripted audio love note, I discuss embracing mystery and getting paid, being and feeling supported by my Patreon folx and creating a container for my work
In today’s audio love note , I do a little more getting real and talk about what I’ve been learning about myself since I left Facebook a month ago.
Please allow me to introduce your heart to day six of the daily delish: how to add value by dropping perfection. In today’s audio love note , I discuss this article from wise woman Marion Woodman and why the amazing content from Tim Ferriss adds more value than opinions about his beanie and of course,…
Please allow me to introduce your heart to day four of The Daily Delish: alchemical mistakes.
Day three of The Daily Delish: celebrating isness
I’m experimenting with offering up unscripted daily audio missives from my heart. Here’s day two: meandering along.