Choosing Life
Some people would say it’s evil to use tarot cards or believe astrology is “devil’s work”. This is how I was raised. It’s so funny to me how much I used to believe in things like “the devil” and “evil” or believed that “God” was some kind of puppeteer/Daddy figure in the sky that was outside of me. What a horrible feeling that was! I lived in fear and never felt like there was room for me to make mistakes. I was constantly asking forgiveness for “sins” and always sought approval outside myself. No wonder it has taken me so long to learn to love myself and just feel okay about life.
I love to watch my children make their own choices in their lives and live from their hearts. They don’t get punished for mistakes and their choices are not motivated by fear as mine often were. They are honest and open and I trust them because there’s no reason not to. They don’t need “hellfire and damnation” to make good choices. They only need to remember to love themselves enough to listen to their inner voice. And they do. I feel so aligned with All That Is and so trusting that Life is here now that I have let go of judgement in its myriad forms. And it is so beautiful.