"Depth" for Illustration Friday
depth of your consciousness
and remember to
depth of our consciousness.
And that’s an order! 😉 I went out looking for something “orderly” for Photo Friday this week. I have an eye for love, self-expression and freedom far more than I do for “order”, I guess. Not having luck with “order”, I started seeing orders like, “keep out” or “stop at light” that our society uses…
mixed media on unstretched canvas | part of a series using excerpts from Anais Nin’s book , “Seduction of the Minotaur” I have reached the conclusion that sacrificing one’s own desires for the sake of others is not the Way. I believe that to truly live a life of service, I must remain true to…
Photo by KnowWonNose “He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often and loved much; who has gained the respect of intelligent men and the love of little children; who has filled his niche and accomplished his task; who has left the world better than he found it, whether by an improved poppy, a…
Held in Compassion I just stepped on this bee. I said, “F-ing thing! Get off me!”, and kicked it away. As the pain faded away, I watched the poor bee convulsing as it died. I’m still alive. It is dying. Yes, I am the one who stepped on it. It was no one’s fault. It…
What if there were no regrets? What if there were no mirrors, no fashion magazines no clothes no money? What if there were only M O M E N T S strung together hands pressing on flesh lovers embracing and the love of self and L I F E permeating EVERYTHING? What if our job,…