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there is peace here
seagull chases heron (and wins!) the purring of a ferry engine and red, gauzy sky a kind father teaching his children to fish two kayakers gliding while girls throw stones a small tugboat gracefully pulls more than her share (a metaphor for mothering) there is peace here
hippie love
Oppression leads to powerlessness. Powerlessness leads to acts of terror and more oppression. This is true regardless of scale. Wounded souls create more wounding. We all need love + compassion. Sending out love and light to all hearts on this day marked with tragedy but also strung together with copious amounts of grace like the…
This morning I drew the “Leadership” card from my Doreen Virtue Archangel oracle deck. It spoke of it being my time to move forward with my leadership abilities. I also drew the Hierophant card from the Tarot and the Wolf card from the Animal Medicine deck. These are both teacher cards. I also did a…