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open letters to my allies and petty tyrants

today the words are waiting on my tongue for you to find them.  (find them)

Dear Allies,

Thank you for your unconditional support and positive regard. Thank you for showing up when I needed you, listening, and sending me positive energy so often. I am softer and more yielding because of your love. I have learned to allow goodness into my heart and to trust again because of you. My gratitude knows no bounds.

Thank you.




Dear Petty Tyrants,

Thank you for your criticism. It has helped me grow stronger and wiser. Thank you for giving me such a clear reflection of my own insecurity and self-loathing. I’ve learned to love myself in spite of your scathing commentary and bad vibes. I’ve learned to allow love to flow by learning where it doesn’t.

Thank you.



And with that, she closed some doors and opened new ones. With that, she went to the page.

‎”Words made new again, as on the first day of creation; eternity’s sunrise. Words used not to interpret the world but to change it; not to advertise this world but to find another. To pass from this world to the next; from ordinary to extraordinary language.” ~Norman O. Brown, Love’s Body

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