Be Real

I did a search for Andrea Scher because I love her and wanted to see where else I could find her on the net. During this search, I found a wonderful online zine called Be Real. Could there be a better place to express oneself? Andrea is this month’s featured artist. Her photography is so…

Tea Tin

For the Everyday Matters Group “Kitchen Challenge”. I struggled not to judge every imperfection and succeeded by just getting lost in the designs of the tin. I found it very meditative to draw the design and go over it with my favorite graphite pencil. I’m delighted with the result because I stuck to it and…


“The center is not always the point of balance.  When you find that place where BALANCE is achieved, peace will result in all situations. There is no conflict, for everything RESTS without strain.” -from Daniel Levin’s Zen Cards which I have on the windowsill in my bathroom. That was today’s oracular quote which couldn’t have…