9/11 (Choose Love)
Ten years later, the sons of Abraham are still fighting and jockeying for power and control the Mothers are still crying and holding and loving. (Choose Love)
Ten years later, the sons of Abraham are still fighting and jockeying for power and control the Mothers are still crying and holding and loving. (Choose Love)
the moon is full once again painting her beauty on the lawn the honeysuckle has come back in full force her skirts kissed by hummingbirds each morning the stairs still creak with busy feet up and down so many times every day it’s warmer now but the light is fading soon, my hands will be…
seagull chases heron (and wins!) the purring of a ferry engine and red, gauzy sky a kind father teaching his children to fish two kayakers gliding while girls throw stones a small tugboat gracefully pulls more than her share (a metaphor for mothering) there is peace here
the world, awash in moonlight. just one month later, you seem like a distant dream
at dusk, hundreds of crows were flying to the southeast in a sky of watermelon juice (and she sent me to see them. go to the front! just go!) at noon, we were eating french pastries and chatting about girl things (she looked at me with those unnervingly wise eyes) this morning, i kissed my…
“I know the way you can get When you have not had a drink of Love: Your face hardens, Your sweet muscles cramp. Children become concerned About a strange look that appears in your eyes Which even begins to worry your own mirror And nose. Squirrels and birds sense your sadness And call an important…