
Overhead a moment ago at the kitchen table, where my 5 year-old is working on a puzzle with a friend, “You know what this is going so fast? Because we are working on it together. It’s easier that way.” Indeed.

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here i am

i am the sower of seeds you didn’t know you want planted in your heart i am death knocking at the door of your complacency let me in i am the arrow of Light that shoots through the darkness piercing you through aeons we have called to one another here i am come on! it’s…

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querida quanta

querida quanta dragon cloud blowing past a harvest moon querida quanta scent lingering on my fingertips after an afternoon dalliance (or two) querida quanta pixelated silhouette of a lover bringing memories of organic encounters querida quanta pashima warming autumn breeze rippling the edges of wondrous memories querida quanta ripples of Love bursting my heart wide…

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My angels led me down a different road today and this is what I found. I often find little treasures when I allow myself to stay off the beaten path and listen to the inspiration being whispered sweetly in my ear. Eyes open Ears open Heart open Hands open Poof! Magic. Life doesn’t get much…