

I walked quietly through the gate and happened upon a mourning dove Alas, I scared her away She, wild creature waited warily but patiently until it was safe to return I, keeping my distance, wanting her to know I meant no harm and return she did!

the dance

“the light danced in the darkness” Some random thoughts from my journal on 7/17/07: The ego scrambles The Spirit saunters (and soars!) The ego contracts The Spirit expands The ego schemes The Spirit trusts The ego exists The Spirit creates The ego copes The Spirit thrives The ego questions The Spirit trusts The ego fears…

my dream

I just woke up from a dream. In this dream, many things happened. I didn’t know who I could trust. Everywhere I turned, someone was betraying me or trying to take something from me. I ran away from my house, leaving the doors wide open. I didn’t know where my children were, I didn’t know…



She is emerging again. She has tried many times only to be drowned out by the bullies. She has something to say, this one. She sees right through all the hypocrisy to the core–the essence. She has no tolerance for the pretending that goes on and on and on it makes her feel scared and…


be·nevi·o·lence /bəˈnɛ vahy-uh-luhns/ –noun 1. desire to do harm to others and make one’s point while appearing to exhibit goodwill or charitableness. 2. an act of passive-aggressive violence all prettied up with politically correct or “spiritual” words. After reading an email I received from someone today, John coined this clever term. I have been on…