playdate haiku
red lint in my hair
googleplex hours of talking
a bruise on my lip
I posted a copy of my 100 Paths to Ecstasy the other day on Facebook. I realized as I was reading through them that I haven’t done some of them and need to go back and re-do many of them. Because I had never done #33, I thought I would. The picture above shows the…
As I wrote about recently, I was bedridden for many weeks with an illness I’m still recovering from. Then last week, my daughter was sick for the entire week. Sometimes, it feels not like one step forward two steps back, but one step forward, two leaps back. Life is just messy like that sometimes. Much…
us i am slow to embrace this word it feels confining i don’t trust it i fear that i will be swallowed up in the “u” and chained to the “s” with you the “u” feels undulating the “s” safe i see nothing in your hands or heart to hurt me i see only the…