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100 Paths to Ecstasy
I’ve just been visiting Keri Smith’s blog and reading her 100 ideas. She completely kicks ass. I told her so and I’m telling you. Her list inspired me to come up with my own list, “100 Paths to Ecstasy” on my site. There’s a chill in the air and the sun is peeking out illuminating…
"Depth" for Illustration Friday
“You shall always find what you created in your mind, for instance, a benevolent God or an evil Devil. Between them are countless facets. Therefore, concentrate on the depth of your consciousness and on what you consider to be positive and good.” -Hans Bender May we all realize the power of our words and thoughts…
Sitting here holding my baby on my shoulder after …
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Have an Erotic Day
I just went through my flickr photostream and found this. It’s a fave. I never went to the Lusty Lady–a Seattle icon that recently closed–but I always liked their marquees. This one represents two big parts of me: Love and Eroticism. Go forth and have an erotic day. Every day.
We are all such tender beings. So much fear, hurt, excitement, love, joy, and myriad other feelings run through us on any given day. I was talking to a friend yesterday and expressing how very safe I feel with him. As I talked about the beauty of this, I began to cry. With concern, he…