sunday morning haiku
softness of an infant’s head
the scent of amber
a Mariachi band plays!
The word of the day is her randomly chosen from Rob Brezny‘s book Pronoia is the Antidote for Paranoia. Oh, how I wish I had the energy tonight to delve into her but alas, it has been a full day. I will say that I was at a poetry reading tonight at Columbia City Gallery….
your three to my one the amber and the red twenty five cents and a vibrating tilt-a-whirl you spoke of carnivals and dark, dusty paths that lead to where we need to be (to peeking behind the boards where darts come towards our hearts) popcorn with truffle oil meaningless meetings and Hoffa screwing and killing…
“Each small task of everyday life is part of the total harmony of the Universe.” ~Saint Therese of Lisieux Having been sick for a week means that my center of operation has been bed. It’s almost as though nothing in the outside world is real save the birds I hear outside my window and the…
“A great many men’s gratitude is nothing but a secret desire to hook in more valuable kindnesses hereafter.” ~Francois de La Rochefoucauld Today is Thanksgiving here in the USA and I’m seeing all kinds of gratitude posts on Ye Old Internet. I went to find a nice quote about gratitude and saw the one above….