things aren't always what they seem
this speaks for itself
I just finished reading James Twyman’s book, “Emissary of Love”. I highly recommend it. You can order it here. In the book this question is asked. “How would you act and what would you do if you knew that you are an Emissary of Love right now?” You are LOVE. Be LOVE. Begin.
We are all such tender beings. So much fear, hurt, excitement, love, joy, and myriad other feelings run through us on any given day. I was talking to a friend yesterday and expressing how very safe I feel with him. As I talked about the beauty of this, I began to cry. With concern, he…
What if there were no regrets? What if there were no mirrors, no fashion magazines no clothes no money? What if there were only M O M E N T S strung together hands pressing on flesh lovers embracing and the love of self and L I F E permeating EVERYTHING? What if our job,…