I am getting ready for my trip to Hawaii presently…

I am getting ready for my trip to Hawaii presently. I’m doing a presenation for the National Expressive Arts Therapy Association’s Annual Conference in Honolulu. It feels a little scarey but also exciting. I am most delighted that I get to sink my toes into the sand in Kauai for a week after the conference. MMMMMMMMMMM

I am feeling silky smooth after a visit to Olympus Spa in Tacoma. If you’ve never soaked, scrubbed, steamed and saunaed (is that a word?) there before, you really should treat yourself. It’s amazing.

It’s truly amazing what a difference a little self care can make in one’s life. I feel more grounded (and a little shinier!) after that experience. Self love is a beautiful thing. Yes, that DOES have a couple of meanings.

Speaking of self care, consider the benefits of good colon health. Did I say COLON? YEP! Did you know that colon cancer is the #2 cancer killer? I had a colonic at the Tummy Temple the other day as part of my cleansing process. The space is amazing, the people that work there are completely beautiful and I came out feeling better and more informed about my colon. Stop feeling embarassed! If we were all more open about such matters, colon cancer wouldn’t be killing so many people.

So, indulge in a little self care and a whole lot of self love and live your best life!

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