To learn about the amazing power of prayer (no, th…
To learn about the amazing power of prayer (no, this is NOT religious it’s about believing) click here
Yes…go know you want to. There are pictures!
If you’re married, I am NOT interested. If you’re a liar or a cheat, leave me alone. If you withhold the truth (or your feelings for that matter) out of fear of loss or getting hurt, steer clear. If you think sending text messages saying, “I miss you” or “I want u” when you’re not…
My friend recently did some writing about her “fantasy career” and encouraged me to do the same. The idea is to get yourself in the feeling space of what you want so you can bring more of it into your life. I like the idea but I’m not sure it works for me. I can…
I have been synthesizing a lot of late. I have been walking more and more squarely into developing my psychic awareness and living a more spirit-led life. This means consciously choosing pretty much everything and living in a place of open surrender. It means when things don’t feel quite right, I have to listen. It…