maker of memories
and wild
flinging your heart
and open
force of nature
and raw
full of smiles
and charm
(These words were plucked from the heartstrings of Kenny Alton and the Toric field he created as he gave his Senior Synthesis Presentation at Antioch.) Axis Mundi The red wine warming (and his curls) words of love married with intellect heartspace. A tattooed landscape of masculinity lies before me (the heart is a conscious organ…
Part of “removing what covers happiness” has to do with social connections. I’ve stopped reaching out to folx who aren’t reaching back. That’s hard but feels necessary. I’ve spend time with dear friends and family but I’m seeing how shallow many of the connections I’ve had are. I don’t feel invested in changing that. Instead, I cherish the deeply-rooted relationships I have, including the one with myself.
After years of long, black hair, I had my hair whacked off and bleached. I decided I needed to try platinum at least once in my life so here we go! Making this change in identity has been an interesting one. I get WAY more attention out in the world being blond which I was…
“Shake out your qualms. Shake up your dreams. Deepen your roots. Extend your branches. Trust deep water and head for the open, even if your vision shipwrecks you. Quit your addiction to sneer and complain. Open a lookout. Dance on a brink. Run with your wildfire. You are closer to glory leaping an abyss than…