maker of memories
and wild
flinging your heart
and open
force of nature
and raw
full of smiles
and charm
unlearning in an unclassroom One of many boxes created to contain the uncontainable. (the vastness of the universe defiantly sneers at these structures) Brave, beautiful souls baring of self in our chromatic splendor. (we are brighter than these glaring lights that cast false shadows on flat surfaces) Space within space within space.
Someone recently asked me for tips on being a good writer. I thought about it and realize that it really applies to everything in life. This is all pretty obvious, I suppose, but it’s what I’ve learned the hard way. It’s advice I would give anyone at any stage of life: Find yourself. Get a…
No matter the election results tonight, tomorrow the sun will rise and children will go to school. We will feed our children and come together in community to support one another. Adult men and women will fall in love and have sex as will men and men, women and women, and a variety of other…
Today’s bricolage comes from the beach at Carkeek Park which has been my go-to place for contemplation for 16 years. There is little that I can’t process emotionally or mentally when I’m near the water at that particular beach. My only rule for this piece was that the objects had to come from beach. The…
Antistrophes by Rainer Maria Rilke Ah, Women, that you should be moving here, among us, grief-filled, no more protected than we, and nevertheless able to bless like the blessed. From what realm, when your beloved appears, do you take the future? More than will ever be. One who knows distances out to the outermost star…