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Click here to see this amazing video from the song Glósóli by the band Sigur Rós. A blogger friend named Kevin White sent it me last year because the photography in it reminded him of mine. He thought I would dig it and I do. In fact, it is my story. A story of leadership,…
What If?
What if there were no regrets? What if there were no mirrors, no fashion magazines no clothes no money? What if there were only M O M E N T S strung together hands pressing on flesh lovers embracing and the love of self and L I F E permeating EVERYTHING? What if our job,…
Here’s something I read today about judging and the path of awareness. read it. it’s awesome. my fave part, “Ken: Whoa, whoa, what’s this nice shit?”. Exactly. We are taught by those in control that it is GOOD to be NICE. UGH. How about if it’s enough to just BE REAL? I judge a lot…
If you live in Seattle and have never had a bonfir…
If you live in Seattle and have never had a bonfire on the beach at Alki, GO! NOW! It’s amazing. We had one last night for the Winter Solstice and it was just wonderful. Listening to the waves lapping at the shore, the crackling of the fire and feeling the moon gazing down at us…