and so it goes
my heart, like a sea anemone
closes up when it is touched
(even softly)
it soon reopens
ready to be touched again
and so it goes
Antistrophes by Rainer Maria Rilke Ah, Women, that you should be moving here, among us, grief-filled, no more protected than we, and nevertheless able to bless like the blessed. From what realm, when your beloved appears, do you take the future? More than will ever be. One who knows distances out to the outermost star…
the not-so-secret swing Originally uploaded by torontofotobug. There are times in life when I feel like I’m suspended by a chain, not sure where to go or what to do. I have so long been driven by the need to please others, so long pulled in the vortex of the needs of others… and now…….
I know that some people really struggle with the concept of being true to themselves as though it is selfish to BE who you came into this world to be or live as you choose. Once we start doing this and are really loving our lives, we are in flow and more of what we…
Ahhhh….it was SUCH a beautiful day today! My oldest daughter stayed home from school today to have a Mommy day so we hung out much of the day then went to Carkeek Park in the afternoon. The sun filtered through the trees and made the ferns in the forest seem to glow as we hiked…
I did a search for Andrea Scher because I love her and wanted to see where else I could find her on the net. During this search, I found a wonderful online zine called Be Real. Could there be a better place to express oneself? Andrea is this month’s featured artist. Her photography is so…