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become your own superhero

This video features my friend, Aaron Dietz, who recently published his book Super through Emergency Press. This video was shot last winter at the KNOCK Magazine release party. I volunteered to come up on stage and volunteer my services as a superhero. In the video, I jokingly say that my superhero name is Super Pussy. As I reflect on that I think about what it means to be a superhero and what my super powers are.

I am Super Pussy

#83 of my 100 Paths to Ecstasy project is Be your own superhero. Give yourself a superhero name. List your powers. Own them. Live them.

If, indeed, I am Super Pussy, my powers are:

Giving birth to two universes.
Knowing how to give and receive pleasure.
Being both strong and flexible.
Being receptive.
Being filled with fragrant, moist feminine grace.

Do I own these? YES! Do I live them? YES!

I am Super Pussy!

But that’s only one alter ego of mine.

What about you? What kind of superhero are you?

P.S., Buy Aaron’s book. It’s totally fabulous and inspiring.

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