bricolage project day 22 [world]
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bricolage project day 22 [world]

“has materiality and thus dimension” The randomly-chosen word of the day is world from Stand Still Like the Hummingbird by Henry Miller.  I’m going to offer the entire paragraph that it came from because it’s so fantastic.  It will serve nicely as today’s quote: Frankly, if we must play with this idea of saving the…

bricolage project day 21 [others]
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bricolage project day 21 [others]

Today’s randomly-chosen word comes from the Tao Te Ching.  I picked up a copy at a used bookstore yesterday to use for blackout poetry and decided to use it for our word which is others (from book one XX). I don’t have much to say today.  I just wanted to paint with my blood again ,…