“Silence is a source of great strength.” ~Lao Tzu
“Silence is a source of great strength.” ~Lao Tzu
“If you can pinpoint the exact words you’ve wanted to hear your entire life that no one has ever shared with you, and give yourself permission to openly share those words as innocent gifts of contribution with everyone you encounter, the simplicity of life purpose is effortlessly revealed.” ~ Matt Kahn There are a few…
Lover, paint me with your desire! Write your poetry on my flesh– with your teeth. Lover, splash with me in the puddles of life! Explore the landscape of my earth– with your tongue. Lover, play with me with deviant innocence! Write your opus with whispers of song– to my heart. Lover, come to me now…
The fierce rain pounding against my window fills me with ardour. Every drop is an act of devotion from sky to earth. Sometimes love is violent.
Just when you think you have The Mystery figured out it will elude you. Like a beautiful woman, or a fragrant flower, The Divine will always flirt with you. Enjoy the seduction!
The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance. -Aristotle I believe this is true for everything in life; I believe every moment is an act of creation with an infinite number of possible outcomes depending on the choices we make. When I create a piece of…