I have learned that when people are determined to see me through a dark lens, they won’t be talked out of it. I have, however, learned that it’s their lens not my truth. That’s a good feeling.
“The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious.” ~Albert Einstein What if every “wrong turn” and “mistake” were really the building blocks of your greatest success? What if every step “off the path” was the moment of perfection that was steering you to your destiny? Sometimes we can only see the grace in…
news travels fast these days (too fast) we hear of a tragedy within minutes of the happening powerlessness sets in and outrage (and deep sadness) let this news travel fast then: i awakened moments ago in a dark room my babies are safe in their bed the night sky is clear and the birch tree…
I’m at the Frye, waitig in the cold sun for J. He’s stuck in traffic. I don’t mind the wait. It’s lovely to let the sun caress my cheek. (A cheek that has known many tears lately.) The floating musical island is playing behind me. The water of the fountains flows, adding it’s own notes…
today at the lake winter is nigh, the trees bare the sun a cold gift
A friend recently told me he was having a hard time and wondered if I would have a drink with him. “Sure,” I said. We agreed to meet at 7:00 at a local restaurant. When I arrived, he wasn’t there so I checked my phone. There was a message from him saying he had…