lincoln park haiku
breeze blows in languid summer lying in sunlight leaves fall from Madrona tree
breeze blows in languid summer lying in sunlight leaves fall from Madrona tree
girls playing on a zip line the scent of clover his voice merging with sunlight
“If poetry does not come as naturally as leaves to a tree, then it better not come at all.” ~John Keats Poetry, life and love can be so easy when we allow them to be. Let’s allow it. Let’s lie in a field of buttercups watching the clouds and wiggling our toes and let the…
I cut myself yesterday at a party. My daughter came over and blotted my sliced knee with a paper towel, dabbing gently. It was very dear. We asked the hostess if she had any bandaids. She came back with them along with some antibacterial cream. As she dabbed at my cuts, I thanked her for…
The search for knowledge ends when the self is no longer afraid to feel. ~Matt Kahn Today, my daughter Gigi brought this perfectly ripe strawberry to me from the garden. She had taken a bite of it and came to share it with me. She said, “Mom! You have to taste this. It’s the most…
His thunderous laughter and gentle touch. The washing of her feet and tears so easily flowing. Brilliant mind dimpled grin buoyant step (and the warming of my hands). Noble heart and furrowed brow lover of words (and such a lover of me). Flowers and dark chocolate and the washing of dishes. Moments and moments of…