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art | divine | grace | healing | love | mystery | pleasure | poetry | self-excavation | sexuality | the delicious now
lovers haiku
Source: via Kymberlee on Pinterest he kissed her truly she surrendered completely as the stars giggled A friend recently said he missed the grace of being kissed truly by another, open soul. This vulnerable offering opened my heart a little wider with recognition. I thought about the way I sometimes hold myself away from…
grace | healing | love | photography | poetry | quotes | self-excavation | truth | Uncategorized
the night's hoofs [or two points of light in the darkness]
Yesterday, I was telling my teenage daughter about having learned to say no to people that weren’t the right fit. I told her there was a time that I would hold on to something that wasn’t right because I was afraid that something better wouldn’t come along. I said, “I realized that this wasn’t very…