a haiku of closure
the world, awash in moonlight.
just one month later,
you seem like a distant dream
I suppose if my Dad loved me– if he showed he cared, I would have believed I was lovable. But he didn’t and I didn’t. And I tried to fill up that hole– spackle spackle pound pound hammer hammer. But it didn’t work. So today, I’m trying to find ways to love myself. I’m starting…
Faith happens when there is no rational reason to believe. I opened an old journal today and that’s what it said. I have no idea why I wrote it, as a single line on one page. I do know that just unearthing it at a time when I most needed to hear it helps to…
How to be a “Giver” without being taken for a ride: Make sure your cup is full so you’re giving from overflow. Find out what fills your cup if you don’t already know. Examine your own need to give like you do. Do you need to be needed? Why? Love yourself. Check in with yourself…
Robins wrench worms from the softening earth, trilling songbirds pour their song into the wide sky, Narcissus flirt with vibrant skirts and a thousand shades of green dance in ardent winds. Oh Spring! Penetrate me with your turgid madness! I surrender.