Hurricane Katrina: We Can All Do Something

Here’s a letter that was forwarded to me today. It is powerful. There is truly a spiritual solution to every problem. There is also a lot of footwork to do in the fields of despair to raise us up to a higher place.
Read on…

Dearest Friends Around the World,

When even the President of the United States says of disaster relief efforts following hurricane Katrina, “the results are not acceptable,” you know that something has gone terribly wrong—and that more help is desperately needed, now.

The extent of human suffering, of loss, of turmoil and desolation, are beyond adequate description in the aftermath of what has been described as one of the worst natural disasters ever to befall the United States. We are all left breathless at the magnitude of what has happened here—80% of the city of New Orleans is under water—and we are sent reeling by pictures and news reports of the devastation and the misery everywhere in the region.

We are not, however, impotent in the face of this occurrence.

There is something that you can do right now to lend the weight of Who You Are, to add your Beingness, to the present moment. What the people in all the areas impacted by Katrina need more than anything today is a sense of hope, a sense of peace, a sense that someone cares and is helping, in the face of this disaster.

We can all bring them these gifts, and we can do so in many ways. Perhaps, at a metaphysical level, this is our purpose in all of this. This is our function. In these tumultuous times our opportunity and our invitation from the Heavens is to decide and declare, express and fulfill, Who We Really Are. Those who have been called upon to do so (and you know exactly who you are) are being depended upon by The Ancients to bring the instant healing of Pure Light into this moment, so that darkness will prevail no longer, but truly signal the dawn.

We urge you at this hour to use the marvelous Tools of Creation that we have all been given by the universe: Thought, Word, and Deed.

1. Think good and wonderful thoughts. We know that, while there are those who think that this is all so much “fluff and nonsense” with no substance and providing nothing of value—exactly the opposite is true. What is needed now is for us to set up a Perimeter of Peace, Power, and Possibility around New Orleans and every city and area affected by Hurricane Katrina. Hold these places, and the people in them, in the Light; see them showered with God’s love and Heaven’s peace; envision them safe and secure in the sure and certain knowledge of the Presence of Angels and the Coming of Goodness and the Healing of Wounds and the Miracle of Solutions to what may at this moment appear to be insurmountable problems. Use guided imagery, visualizations, meditation, and whatever other tool and device you are aware of—individually and in groups—to set up the energies that will create the space of possibility for miracles to occur.

2. Help spread the word in your community of friends and relatives about all the ways in which they can help. In addition to gathering and focusing the energy of groups that already exist, or quickly forming your own new “instant community” of helpers, you can work individually on the above, as well as on many other assistances that can be provided—including, of course, funds and other resources (see below). Get people involved. People who you know personally. People who will respond to YOU. Begin a relief network. Spread the word

3. Go immediately to the websites listed here to offer additional help. Go to The Red Cross and make a financial donation. (Even $5 will help. In fact, if everyone gave $5, there would be millions in resources over night.) If you can, consider providing temporary free housing for evacuees at Hurricane Housing. Help with desperately needed food at American Second Harvest.

Let’s all work hard at this. Let’s really work at it. Become a powerhouse of help, a vessel of endless love. This crisis in America’s historic delta will go on for many, many weeks. It is up to us to step in and offer immediate, meaningful and continuing assistance

If not now, when? If not us, who?

Thank you for responding to this call.

With all our love,

Deepak Chopra
Wayne Dyer
Jean Houston
Barbara Marx Hubbard
James Redfield
Neale Donald Walsch
Marianne Williamson
Gary Zukav

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