care for the Life around you, give it food and water
and you just never know what might pop up
from beneath the fecund earth
waiting to surprise and delight you.
Laughing at the Word Two Only That Illumined One Who keeps Seducing the formless into form Had the charm to win my Heart. Only a Perfect One Who is always Laughing at the word Two Can make you know Of Love. This poem is by Hafiz as translated by Daniel Ladinksy in The Gift
When you are stripped bare and are so transparent you feel as though you have no skin. When time is suspended and the world opens up to a new possibility that you could never have imagined. When the scent of honeysuckle in the night air or the tender kiss from your child makes your heart…
Today when I looked in the mirror, I really loved my own reflection. (That seems worth mentioning.) Also, I saw this today from my spiritual teacher, Matt Kahn: Mantra of the day: “I no longer reflect or embody the pain, disapproval, doubt, suffering, or confusion of others as a way of offering support. Bless it…