Sipping some delightful French pressed coffee, lis…

Sipping some delightful French pressed coffee, listening to my new Christina Aguilera CD (thanks Mom!), watching my girls play and just relaxing on this beautiful, winter day. The holidays this year have been a time of more simplicity which has allowed time for what is most important to me. I have made fewer commitments, done less and spent more time at home taking care of myself and my children. I just spoke with my Mom on the phone who said, “you sound so relaxed”. I am. It feels good.

I think working out regularly really helps with relaxation. I started this intense, effective, kick-ass work out program called Power 90. You can more information about it at It’s a six day a week program that alternates cardio/abs and circuit training every other day. I’m loving the physical challenge, I’m sleeping better and generally feeling like a new person. The best part is that it’s only 30 minutes a day and I do it at home! That works for a busy mother of two.

I need to refine my skill with my new Canon Digital Rebel camera before tomorrow morning. I’ve waited a long time for a new camera. This is the one! It’s light-weight, multi-functional and as close to a pro camera as you can get without spending 4K. Now I just need to tackle the learning curve.

I am looking forward to our Tofurkey dinner tonight, to sipping some red wine by our beautiful tree and being steeped in love and light.

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