sweet butterfly
This is my new favorite song. Something about it makes my heart ache and helps me to be more tender with myself.
Learning to be my own, sweet butterfly.
Oh the joy The inexpressible comfort Of feeling safe with a person Having neither to measure words Nor weigh thoughts Pouring them all out just as they are, Chaff and grain together. Certain that a loving hand Will sift through, Keeping what is worth keeping, And with a breath of kindness Blow the rest away….
“Flying Free” Taken with Canon Digital Rebel Cross-Processed in Photoshop with nik filters “When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece.” -John Ruskin This is why I love photography. I can combine a skill I have learned (and continue to hone) with my love of people and Life. Whether or not anything is a…
The other day a woman at my daughter’s school was telling me about the book I am an Emotional Creature: The Secret Life of Girls Around the World by Eve Ensler. She told me she wanted to loan it me and thought I would enjoy it. She told me one particular part of it reminded…
I found this written in an old journal today. The author is unknown. “A hundred years from now it will not matter the sort of house I lived in, what my bank account was or the kind of car I drove, but the world may be different because I was important in the life of…
I am deconstructing my entire life, ego, sense of reality at present. It’s both frightening and liberating. I feel as though every relationship, every role, every assumption I’ve made about anything is under attack by the part of me that seeks authenticity. The hardest part of this process of self-discovery is figuring out what (or…