I just sent a audioblog of me singing "Summertime"…
I just sent a audioblog of me singing “Summertime”. I’ve been singing that song for as long as I can remember. Good times.
If you’re married, I am NOT interested. If you’re a liar or a cheat, leave me alone. If you withhold the truth (or your feelings for that matter) out of fear of loss or getting hurt, steer clear. If you think sending text messages saying, “I miss you” or “I want u” when you’re not…
I have been synthesizing a lot of late. I have been walking more and more squarely into developing my psychic awareness and living a more spirit-led life. This means consciously choosing pretty much everything and living in a place of open surrender. It means when things don’t feel quite right, I have to listen. It…
Below is today’s Daily Om Horoscope. I have to say that the longer I live, the more I agree with this perspective. I truly do have beliefs that work for me. The ones that haven’t, I have been morphing into something that works for me. It helps me stay in the present moment and be…
Erotic Pear I have discovered a few things about myself recently. Here are little things that bring me Seconds of Pleasure (often more) and will always keep me coming back for more: My lover holding the back of my head tight while he kisses me tenderly or cupping my face in his hands and moving…