lincoln park haiku
breeze blows in languid summer
lying in sunlight
leaves fall from Madrona tree
“Like water, be gentle and strong. Be gentle enough to follow the natural paths of the earth and strong enough to rise up and reshape the world” ~Brenda Peterson In order to be strong enough to rise up I need to acknowledge where I haven’t been that strong (and in order to be gentle, I…
I read an article recently that recommended walking with bare feet. I’ve been dutifully trotting outside each morning while I wait for my coffee to brew and walking on the little gravel patch on the side of the house. Back and forth. Bare legs. Bare arms. Bare feet. The rocks are hard and cold on…
Teardrop by Massive Attack on Grooveshark “Be kind for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.” ~Plato In my travels, I have been blessed with the gift of confidence from people. Sometimes they share it over coffee and sometimes, I get emails from people telling me about their past and what they’ve been through….
on my way to him a harbinger wind whipped ferociously the clouds shedding their tears. we spoke of poison and offerings of medicine losses and redemption poems and tears. tonight, my room is drenched in moonlight and I wrap the fabric of our time together around me like a cloak I want to wear more…
“I’m so stupid!’ she wailed as we were getting out of the car this morning. She had forgotten her lunch. I let her cry then held her face in my mommy hands, looked her in the eyes and told her, “You made a mistake. It’s okay to make mistakes. It’s part of learning. I still…