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linger here

wreck this journal | loathing to love

Self-care has taught me to linger in the company of those who listen with the ear of their heart.

There are those who listen with the ear of their broken heart. They hear pain and look for weakness, they look for holes to enter and often carry a cutting knife. They know nothing but suffering so that is what they offer. They are often charming because that’s how they think they will get what they want. They are the predators and hunting is all they know. Their focus is only on themselves.

There are those who listen with the ear of their open heart. They hear pain and look for a way to bring healing. They look for ways to help mend the holes and they carry wisdom, discernment and deep compassion. They know suffering but have found their way through to joy and love so that is what they offer. They are the wounded healers. Their focus is on the collective—including themselves.

I am blessed to have met enough of the latter to have figured out how to spot and avoid the former.

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