a haiku for David
Shiva and Shakti lime whiskey laced with laughter sing transformation
Shiva and Shakti lime whiskey laced with laughter sing transformation
Some friends shared their favorite words with me on Facebook so I decided to create a little short story with them. She looked at the beautiful faces around her and her heart was filled with warmth. This was indeed kismet and she felt more at home in her skin than she ever had. Loving, zaftig…
fractal perfection slowly falls from a grey sky awaits play and fun!
an old woman in a scarf rocks a baby back and forth in the sunlight a man works a crossword sneaking glances at the pretty baristas Dolly serenades us with her trilling vibrato the steel guitar adding a pinch of melancholy your morning kisses linger on my lips like the scent of flowers everything feels…
winter arrived with a song (and a roar!) the turning wheel brought new light (and lusciousness) hearts drawn on steamed windows (with music and delight) like a dervish, i whirl! like a primrose, I open! the honeysuckle is a tangle of naked branches (summer, a distant memory)
We have all heard sappy stories about things people did for others that “made a difference” in their lives. While I don’t mean to sound cynical and I am very much a believer in treating others with kindness and respect, it is also true that our culture can train us to believe that “doing for…