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laughing at the word two
Laughing at the Word Two Only That Illumined One Who keeps Seducing the formless into form Had the charm to win my Heart. Only a Perfect One Who is always Laughing at the word Two Can make you know Of Love. This poem is by Hafiz as translated by Daniel Ladinksy in The Gift
Tonight, I went to a screening of Quick Brown Fox …
Tonight, I went to a screening of Quick Brown Fox at the Henry Art Museum. It is a very touching film done by a brave woman, Ann Hedreen of White Noise Productions. It is an account, in the first person, of a woman whose mother is dying of Alzheimer’s Disease. During the Q&A, I asked…
We have all heard sappy stories about things people did for others that “made a difference” in their lives. While I don’t mean to sound cynical and I am very much a believer in treating others with kindness and respect, it is also true that our culture can train us to believe that “doing for…
Painful and Informative Reflections
“I’ll continue to stand tall, You can trust me, For I promise, I shall keep a watchful eye upon ya’ll, Ooo I love to dance a little sidestep, Now they see me, now they don’t, I’ve come and gone, AND Oooo I love to sweep around the wide step, Cut a little swathe and lead…