Stillness in Movement
The stillness
in stillness
is not
the real stillness
Only when
there is stillness
in movement
can the spiritual rhythm appear
which pervades
heaven and earth.
The stillness
in stillness
is not
the real stillness
Only when
there is stillness
in movement
can the spiritual rhythm appear
which pervades
heaven and earth.
One Song by Rumi Every war and every conflict between human beings has happened because of some disagreement about names. It is such an unnecessary foolishness, because just beyond the arguing there is a long table of companionship set and waiting for us to sit down. What is praised is one, so the praise is…
Miss A is hoping to take a service learning trip to Costa Rica in the spring. She’s asking for contributions in lieu of Christmas presents this year. It’s not a vacation. She’ll be working and learning Spanish over spring break. Thanks for considering!
I once wrote a description of “Kymberlee the Healer” for a class. Here it is: I help piece together the broken child inside of people. The wounding of not being able to be FREE. Free to express all of the silliness, wiggles, screams and color that have been held inside for too long. I create…
Today’s love note is all about staying with the flow of the river of life. I almost said “in the flow” but that’s a given. We’re in the flow whether we like it or not. When we stay with it though, it’s much nicer. Have a listen! The tea I’m sipping on in the recording…