things aren't always what they seem
this speaks for itself
mixed media on unstretched canvas | part of a series using excerpts from Anais Nin’s book , “Seduction of the Minotaur” I have reached the conclusion that sacrificing one’s own desires for the sake of others is not the Way. I believe that to truly live a life of service, I must remain true to…
“I feel like I should be doing something momentous with my life, ” she said. I replied that she had been raising her baby for 10 years. She said she wanted to find something more important to do. I said, “In the meantime, enjoy the setting sun and the smell of your daughter’s hair.” It…
My divorce will be final in a little over a week. Eventhough I wanted this and know it is necessary Eventhough I am following the call of my heart It’s really hard to let go 19 years of marriage doesn’t dissolve over night What gets me through is remembering all the beauty What helps me…
I once wrote a description of “Kymberlee the Healer” for a class. Here it is: I help piece together the broken child inside of people. The wounding of not being able to be FREE. Free to express all of the silliness, wiggles, screams and color that have been held inside for too long. I create…