This morning, cool salty air was blowing in from t…

This morning, cool salty air was blowing in from the Sound. The pungent, sea air mixed with the delicious scent of pine completely filled my senses and uplifted my Spirit. As I stood at my window breathing in the fragrance, gazing out at the water and sipping my coffee, I thought of how at one time, those were the scents that the Northwest First Nations people woke up to every day. There were no petroleum or plastic smells. Just the organic bounty that nature brought to them. I feel grateful for my warm house, this computer that connects me to the world and my modern conveniences. I am equally grateful for the simple pleasures of smooth rocks under my feet, the scent of the morning air or the feel of moss under my naked skin in the forest. Life is so exquisitely beautiful, I ache some days.

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