two crows haiku
two crows fly over
tree that is still holding on
to her summer skirt
A Blessing
May the fruits of summer keep you fed this winter, dear reader.
This morning I drew the “Leadership” card from my Doreen Virtue Archangel oracle deck. It spoke of it being my time to move forward with my leadership abilities. I also drew the Hierophant card from the Tarot and the Wolf card from the Animal Medicine deck. These are both teacher cards. I also did a…
Alone with an Untold Story Today’s randomly chosen word is alone and comes from The Complete Collected Poems of Maya Angelou. It’s interesting that my random process brought this word because, despite being surrounded by people I had a false sense of feeling alone this morning, of feeling like nobody cares about me or that I have to…
In the past 24 hours, my perception of the digital age has shifted dramatically. Perhaps it’s been coming for many years (possibly since my heart was broken via the internet but that’s a story for a different day) or perhaps I just got a quantum leap kick in the ass. What I do know that…